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The Change Conversations blog is where changemakers find inspiration and insights on the power of mission-driven communication to create the change you want to see.

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accessibility online feature image

5 min read

Web Accessibility and You: Why It Matters

There are over 1 billion people around the world with disabilities, who have a combined spending power of approximately $6 trillion. This includes...

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Rectangular graphic with a yellow background and blue text reading

4 min read

5 SEO Basics to Make Your Best Content Eminently Findable

Whew! You’re exhausted. You’ve just finished a sprint to get your mobile-first site updated after Google’s latest Core Web Vitals algorithm change....

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How to promote your brand

3 min read

Promotional Item or Landfill?

Promotional products were a $20 billion dollar industry by 2014, with brands appearing on everything from award plaques to watches. By dollar volume...

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3 min read

Effective Employee Recruitment Marketing for Professional Firms

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, “7.1 million openings were available in February 2019, but only 5.7 million hires were made.” When there...

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5 min read

Should Your Brand Take a Stand?

More and more companies are wrestling with the questions: Should your brand take a stand? What are the potential benefits? What are the risks? How do...

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5 min read

Why You Need a Mission-Driven Blog (+ how to make it better)

A company blog helps you connect with customers and prospects by providing useful content that can be found through search and promotion. Its many...

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Tips for Fast Images & Copyright Risks to Avoid Blog Main Image

6 min read

Tips for Quick Photos (and Common Copyright Risks To Avoid)

How can you quickly and safely create the images you need for your blogging and social media efforts and avoid common copyright risks? Unless your...

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3 min read

Are Your Branding Colors Web Accessible?

Consistency is king when it comes to using your branding colors across all mediums, including your website. But designing for legibility and...

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Why Values-Based Communication? text and abstract image

2 min read

Why Values-Based Communication?

Consistent values-based communication. I believe everyone benefits when a mission-driven business or nonprofit focuses on words, messages, issues,...

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Stop Ignoring Your Audio Brand

4 min read

Small Business Owners: Stop Ignoring Your Audio Brand

When you think branding, what comes to mind? Logos, colors, the name of your company, your company tagline — but how about sound or audio? As the...

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7 Important steps to launch your new website [checklist]

3 min read

Seven important steps to launch your new website [checklist]

As the website owner, you want to be sure your investment in developing a new website is going to improve your brand awareness and return on your...

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4 min read

The Why and How to Brand Your Infographics

The current wave of infographic usage is only gaining momentum. From social media to corporate reports and even the evening news, you’re seeing these...

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a library with spiral staircase and text Content Libraries: Unlock Your Digital Asset Potential

4 min read

Content Libraries: Key to Unlock Your Digital Asset Potential

Images, videos, sound bites, and other media are great ways to cut through the clutter online for small businesses or nonprofits. But a common mishap...

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3 min read

How to Remove the Curse of Knowledge from Your Writing

The more you know, the harder it is to remove the curse of knowledge from your writing. After years of education and experience in your field, you...

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6 min read

How to Partner Effectively with Your Website Developer

Considering a new website? Your goal is a stunning and hard-working new website in a process as smooth as possible. Miscommunication or conflict with...

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Driving People to your Cause_

4 min read

Driving People to Your Cause: Social Currency for Nonprofits

You may think your local nonprofit cannot use flashy campaign tools to set your organization apart. You may think those tools are for businesses and...

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6 min read

How to Create Video Testimonials for Small Business

Do you need a high-quality video for your small business? Don't hesitate because you worry about breaking the bank. If your business has a fan or two...

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How-to-Benchmark-Your-Performance_close-up image of cherries

5 min read

How to Benchmark Your Marketing Performance

Last week in a client meeting I was asked a string of marketing questions that I have been asked many times before. “Is that a good open rate, a good...

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Strategy checklist_clipboard

3 min read

7 Questions for Your Marketing Strategy: A Checklist

It often happens this way. First I hear a book author on NPR talking about an interesting subject, then the issue comes up with friends, and then...

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Video for Social2

2 min read

Creating Quality Video Content on a Budget

Change Convos · Creating Quality Video Content on a Budget Here’s the bottom line. If you’re not making online video content for your business,...

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3 min read

Copyright Dangers: Is Your Business at Risk and What to Do

Your business or nonprofit faces copyright dangers on both sides of the copyright law: For violating someone else’s copyright, resulting in hefty...

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New Year's Resolution for Your Website

4 min read

Smart New Year Checklist for Your Website and Blog

We’re nearly a month into the new year, so it’s time to put into action a new year’s resolution for your website and blog. Your website is the...

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2 min read

Marketing Wuss or Wizard: Which Are You?

Wuss isn’t a word I use often, but during my drive home from the holidays it came to my mind fleetingly as an appropriate self-description. I started...

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Nonprofit Marketers_

3 min read

Nonpofit Marketers: Why Podcasts are Your Next Best Marketing Tool

So why are podcasts your next best marketing tool? Not only is the number of podcast listeners on the rise, they are engaged in the content. And...

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3 min read

How to Save Money Working with a Marketing Agency

Since making the switch from a public sector marketing department to a private sector marketing agency, I’ve learned a thing or two from both sides...

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4 min read

Seven Signs It’s Time to Update Your Website

Your company website is the center of your brand identity, marketing, sales, and customer relations. More than 80% of shoppers do online research...

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Message Framing and Change: Scrabble tiles

3 min read

How to Frame a Powerful Social Change Message

The strategy of framing messages for change has never seemed more important — or more difficult. Never more important because pressing issues like...

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4 min read

Why Pillar Pages are the key to your SEO

Generating quality website traffic is critical to raising awareness for your mission-driven business. With search engine companies frequently...

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The Dos and Don'ts of Ethical Marketing Research- ksheets resized (1)

3 min read

Ethical Marketing Research: What You Should and Should NOT Do

As a novice to the business world, I had no idea that there were so many marketing research standards and ethics in place. I have learned that...

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boys splashing in a pool

3 min read

Reluctant marketers on staff? Here's how to conquer their fear of social media

Blogging, tweeting, pinning, posting – you know it's essential, but what do you do when you have reluctant marketers on your staff who are...

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Puzzle pieces that do not fit together

2 min read

Puzzled by Content Marketing vs Inbound Marketing?

Know that you are not alone. You are definitely not the only one puzzled by distinguishing between the terms content marketing and inbound marketing....

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4 min read

Apps to Help Navigate Social Media for Small Businesses

Long gone are the days when you only had a few social media accounts to worry about. Now there’s an ocean of information and options to choose from....

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Data Fog_ How NOT to Use Customer Demographics in Your Marketing2

3 min read

How NOT to Use Customer Demographics in Your Marketing

Yes, you read that correctly: How NOT to use customer demographics in your marketing. In an attempt to make research-based marketing decisions, many...

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4 min read

Green Swag: Tips for Keeping Your Logo Out of the Landfill

Free swag! There's nothing like it to get people's attention at an event ... and there's nothing like that sinking feeling you get when you see those...

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GDPR Montage

3 min read

Wake Up Communicators: You need a GDPR checklist and guide

Later this month, on May 25, the GDPR data protection and privacy law goes into effect. GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, is a set of...

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Young people joined together at museum exhibition

4 min read

How to Attract Young People to Your Nonprofit

You know that “big donors” come from older generations. But younger generations are just as important. Your nonprofit needs to invest in the future:...

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3 min read

How to Build a Strong Employer Brand for Recruitment

Mission-driven organizations can be surprised to suddenly find themselves struggling with employee recruitment and retention. (Wasn't it just...

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environmental certification or greenwash?

2 min read

Useful Environmental Paper Certification or Greenwash?

If you’re not alert, it’s easier than ever to be snookered these days. You are trying to reduce your environmental impact and so you specify your new...

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constests and sweepstakes

3 min read

What You Need to Know About Contests & Sweepstakes

Contests and sweepstakes are great ways of generating interest and expanding your reach to a target audience. If you want to increase web traffic,...

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2 min read

On the Power of Words, Labels and Language: Do No Harm

The power of words, labels, language and frames is often a popular topic at the water cooler and lunch table here, but it has been top-of-mind...

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old manual typewriter keyboard representing storytelling tools

4 min read

Storytelling Tools to Help Your Target Audience see WIIFM

Want to gain traction in the early stages of the customer’s journey? Here’s a tip: Step out of your shoes. Your audience wants to interact with...

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3 min read

The Psychology of Words: Revealing more than you realize

Thoughts on the psychology of words, word use, pronouns, and social issues have been scurrying across my brain lately. Not that you can’t find me...

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3 min read

Changing Minds: The science behind visual storytelling

Do you feel that? That tugging sensation on your heart? You’re not sure why, but as serious, and as focused, and as grownup as you are, you likely...

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6 min read

What is the cost of a stunning new website?

I wrote about this last in 2010 when unemployment was near ten percent and competition for work was fierce and cutthroat. And while a lot has changed...

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3 min read

Blogging Tips for the One-Person Marketing Team

You know your stuff. You could blog about what you do ‘til the cows come home. The problem is that there's never enough time to do it all well. What...

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3 min read

New Year Resolutions and Inspiration for the Digital Marketer

At the beginning of a new year, it is natural to want to set resolutions both personally, and professionally for your organization. We all start out...

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3 min read

Mission-Driven Marketers: Are You Focused or Fearful?

I am worried. As I wrote earlier, part of creating a persuasive change message is to document and describe the problem before offering a solution...

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2 min read

In Marketing, Don’t Mistake a Shiny New Tool for Your Goal

One day as I flicked through a group of RSS and Twitter feeds for a client in education, I came across a sketch that made me chuckle in recognition....

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3 min read

Want your social video to be thumb-stoppingly good?

"71% of internet users will access social networking sites regularly this year." source One of the great challenges and great truths of social media...

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4 min read

How to Optimize Your Website for Mobile

As a business owner, you most likely already know how critical it is to be active and visible online. Google prioritizes mobile friendly sites over...

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4 min read

How to Use a Creative Brief for Effective Collaboration

Marketing, like many other worthwhile activities, is a team venture. And every effective team needs a coach, rules of the game, and a common goal....

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2 min read

How Inbound Marketing Metrics Will Save Public Relations

Rich metrics are one of the delights of implementing an integrated inbound marketing program. Inbound’s ability to track the history of an...

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2 min read

Design Project Management Tips and Tools to Implement Today

Time is funny. It flies. It can be saved and wasted. When you’re working on a design and content project with lots of moving parts and people, time...

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4 min read

Conquer Your Website Design Accessibility & Inclusion Challenge

Making sure that your website reaches and communicates effectively to everyone requires attention to many factors—design, language, search...

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4 min read

Changing Minds: Frames Matter More Than Facts

Language shapes the way we think, and determines what we can think about. —Benjamin Lee Whorf I can no longer count on my fingers the number of times...

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2 min read

How to conduct effective video interviews

Do you know the secret to conducting a good video interview? Whether you are gathering video testimonials for your website or developing an...

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1 min read

Why Your Nonprofit is a ‘Best-Kept Secret’ and How to Fix It

If ‘best-kept secret’ is a phrase you’ve ever heard used to describe your nonprofit, you are not alone. Perhaps it’s just the popularity of the...

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3 min read

Seven Things a Brand is Not (and Two It is)

Brand and branding are terms you hear used and misused daily in marketing and advertising. Once terms used only by those working in the field or by...

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2 min read

Logo, Corporate Identity or Brand — What’s the Difference?

Logo, Corporate Identity or Brand — What’s the difference? When a company begins to consider ways to visually represent themselves, their product,...

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3 min read

Video Strategy: Which online video style is right for you?

Saying you need video for your business is kind of like saying you need a website. Both are general terms for an essential tool that can mean a lot...

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3 min read

Change Strategy: Avoid Bad Words and Message Mistakes

Do you worry about saying bad words? I know sometimes I feel as if I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about how to avoid bad words and...

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2 min read

Google Demands HTTPS Security: Is your site ready?

If you have a website without the HTTPS protocol, you should have received an email recently telling you that Google Chrome will show a security...

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Quality control for your brand image with magnifying glass

4 min read

Basic Quality Control for your Brand Image

It’s a familiar problem. You have invested a great deal of time and money to create a strong visual identity for your mission-driven organization....

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Nonprofits: How to Master Video Marketing

More than ever before, nonprofits need to integrate video content into annual marketing campaigns. Every day there are new opportunities and...

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3 min read

How to write an effective nonprofit video script

No nonprofit can afford to produce a video that is not inline with its marketing goals and outreach plans. The more your nonprofit team can lay out a...

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2 min read

Why you can't just use the image you just found

We build websites. It’s not all we do, but it is a big part of the services we offer to clients large and small. Often during the process we complete...

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3 min read

5 Reasons Why Ephemeral Content will Keep your Audience Hooked

Ephemeral content, which lasts only a short time before disappearing, is on the rise and being led by the popularity of Snapchat. Other platforms...

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3 min read

Recycling Green Without Greenwashing

As a boy scout in the early seventies, I walked door-to-door soliciting support for S.O.A.R., Save Our American Resources, in the form of money...

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An image of numerous coffee beans with the text: Social math, stories, examples, and message framing for change

4 min read

Changing Minds: Social math, stories and framing

While officially this is the second in a series of posts about changing minds and message framing, you may be interested because it can also be...

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3 min read

Why your nonprofit website and CRM want to be integrated

Relying on spreadsheets to keep track of your organization's donors, volunteers, and other contacts gets tiresome and ineffective quickly. But many...

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2 min read

Avoid Sustainability Language Disconnect: Show Don’t Tell

Signs abound of a growing sustainability language disconnect between marketers’ communications and what consumer and business customers understand,...

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3 min read

A Vermont designer’s marketing observations in Morocco

For her recent birthday, my wife wanted to wake up in an exotic location. She wanted to experience Morocco, despite the warnings from friends and...

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Content Atomization

2 min read

How to make your content work harder: Atomization

Yes, it takes a lot of work to create a stellar piece of content today. And there are no shortcuts. You need to develop the content strategy idea, do...

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1 min read

How to Answer WIIFM or “Do I See Me Now?”

I expect What’s In It For Me (WIIFM), to be crystal clear. And your customers do too.

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3 min read

Do Nonprofits Need a Creative Brief for Behavior Change?  

Having clear communication and a solid creative process between agency team members and your nonprofit management team is imperative. It is important...

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Printed brain on a circuit board to illustrate the framing effect

2 min read

Message Framing and Your Brain: Formula for change

If you’re like most change communicators I know, you spend quite a bit of time keeping up on what’s known and what’s new in communication, persuasion...

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2 min read

Quick Tips for Effective Landing Pages

What is a landing page? A landing page is simply the website page where your visitors land after they type in or click a link. The link can be on a...

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WHEN should you hire a marketing agency

3 min read

When should you hire a marketing agency?

Is your nonprofit embarking on an outreach campaign focused on a new community? Does your government agency need message training on a new subject,...

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owned_earned_bought media framework venn diagram

3 min read

Paid, Owned, Earned Media: Are You in the Right Place?

You may have heard the terms "paid, owned, earned media" bandied about recently and been curious. You want to know more—understanding where and how...

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2 min read

Prepress File Preparation: Your Print Production Checklist

Good prepress file preparation takes time. In the era of digital design, prepress work looks deceptively easy, but making sure your files are print...

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A Message Triangle screenshot

2 min read

A 3-Step Guide to Message Triangles

For many years the message triangle has been one of the tools I use most often for clients and for myself. Whenever a major speech, news event or...

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3 min read

Video Marketing on the Nonprofit Buyer's Journey

Video is a very effective form of communication and can be especially powerful in nonprofit marketing and impact storytelling. One third of all...

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selecting the best typography for your infographic

3 min read

How to Select the Best Typography for Your Infographics

You sit down at your computer to develop an infographic and couldn’t be more excited to share it with your mission driven audience. Then you suddenly...

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2 min read

How to Keep 'Dark Social' From Hurting Your Nonprofit

In a 2016 study conducted by RadiumOne, it was reported that 84% of online sharing was now being conducted via ‘dark social,’ with Facebook coming in...

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2 min read

Collaboration versus Consultation: What’s the difference?

We were ‘talking shop’ over breakfast recently, as business people are wont to do. After several mentions of ‘collaborative this’ or ‘collaborative...

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3 min read

Image Resolution and Quality: What you need to know.

Why do you need to know about image resolution? If you are ever going to print something, put a graphic on the web, or create a PowerPoint...

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changing vision aging eyes typography

3 min read

Vision Changes: Typography for Aging Audiences

A reader recently responded to my blog post Typeface Choice: Ask yourself Three Questions, by raising an important series of questions on changing...

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snowstorm image

2 min read

Don't let your social media feed become a snowstorm

It is always interesting to me to watch the ebb and flow of major events on social media. It is natural to see themes on our Facebook feeds as the...

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Storm damage Broken tree in woods, springtime.jpeg

4 min read

Forget Saying Climate Change: Words activate frames

When you believe in a cause, it becomes your baby, and one of the hardest things to do is let go of its name. For decades now I have been writing,...

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Your Buyer knows More Than You Do.

3 min read

Your Buyer Knows More Than You Do

The sales dynamic continues to change, and today's buyers are better informed and further along in their decision process before they first reach out...

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3 min read

Which works best for changemakers—Illustration or Photography?

You need visual impact for your upcoming, mission-driven campaign or promotion. Which will work harder for you— illustration or photography? The...

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3 min read

Video Marketing Success for Nonprofits in 2017

It It has been the “year of video” for at least 6 years now in the marketing world. But 2017 really might be the year when nonprofits should take...

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Changing minds: why repetition and focus matters for changemakers - The wolf you feed wins3.png

3 min read

Message Framing & Your Brain: Why repetition and focus matter

If you are seeking positive change, you know your language choice matters. Your nightmare is to inadvertently use a word that triggers a frame in...

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Can Your Website Audience Hear You Now2.png

3 min read

Can your website audience hear you now?

You know your business or organization needs a website. And, you probably have one (or maybe more than one). But does your website reach your...

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Design Activism Featured Image

2 min read

Design for Activism

Whether you are marketing a product to improve the environment using triple bottom line principles, working on a campaign to increase awareness of...

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2 min read

All email marketing is personal

Email marketing can be more effective than social for nurturing and engaging your base. We’ve written about the value of a clean email list,...

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3 min read

How to Create a Fantastic Infographic for Your Nonprofit

You’ve read the statistics about the power of visuals (especially infographics). You know visual content is more likely to have an impact, to be...

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1 min read

Your Favorite Changemaker Stories: Top 10 Blog Posts 2016

Which Change Conversations blog posts were most popular in calendar year 2016? The numbers tell us what readers liked, and shared, and commented on,...

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2 min read

Media interviews: Pro tips for beginners

Being interviewed by the media for the first time can be nerve wracking. Whether it is a print interview or a broadcast interview, you are being...

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2 min read

How to Use Facebook Live to Connect with Your Community

In today's social media marketing world, it's hard to stand out. It's even harder to stand out and connect with your community at the same time. One...

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5 min read

How to Start a Podcast for Your Mission-Driven Brand

With the current podcast boom brought on by the likes of Serial and This American Life, it seems like there is a podcast for everyone and every brand...

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2 min read

Top #Inbound16 Takeaways: It is all about the audience

This is my second year attending Inbound, the annual HubSpot extravaganza (also known as a conference). The workshops I attended last year focused on...

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2 min read

How to fail at email marketing (or not)

You know email can be an effective marketing tool. Email marketing averages an ROI of $38 for every $1 spent. (DMA National Client Email Report 2015)...

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5 min read

How to Achieve Marketing Consistency in Your Materials

So you’ve decided to invest in a multi-faceted, multi-channel marketing campaign. Your presence, message and branding will appear in many...

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visual content blue sky photo

2 min read

Choosing the Right Visual Content for Your Story

I just returned from a trip to Italy. (A little envy is understandable.) Travel can be a great way to see another country’s view of design and...

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3 min read

Crisis Communication Priorities and Protocols

Crisis communication is not something I really want our clients to gain experience with. But no matter what your industry or sector, you have at...

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Why pay for good design featured image

3 min read

Why should your nonprofit invest in good design?

Why should your nonprofit invest in good design? Your mission is pressing, the needs are great — why spend money on design when it seems like it...

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2 min read

Get an A+ with these 5 blog tips

For a lot of us, back-to-school means change. Change of schedule, change of traffic patterns, but I like to think of September as an opportunity to...

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2 min read

21 Inspiring Quotes from Changemakers

Much as we love the warm, natural tones of the stone wall framing Marketing Partners’ open office, its greatest value is as a daily reminder of the...

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1 min read

Why You Want Both Advertising AND Conversation

Ok, I’m a big fan of advertising. When used correctly advertising is a good way to promote your brand, service, or product. But advertising can’t do...

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2 min read

Repurpose your nonprofit video content for a new perspective

If you think about the time and resources needed to develop and produce a fantastic video for your nonprofit, it makes sense to repurpose and...

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3 min read

Top Secret: You Get Results with Strategic Advertising

Advertising works. Businesses get results with strategic advertising. Why else would so many businesses spend so much money if it didn’t? And big...

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6 min read

10 Effective Design Principles You Need to Know

Whether you’re creating a new page design for your website, an online ad, print brochure or an infographic, many of the same design principles apply....

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2 min read

Capturing the Event: Don't forget your visual checklist

You’ve been planning your next event for a while now — finding a location, building a schedule and making sure your speakers are ready to go. A lot...

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Timeframe Graph for Effective Marketing Strategies_horizons_graph-v2_669x446.jpg

2 min read

Effective Marketing Strategies: Do You Know When to Do What?

The other day, as we pondered our (heavy) work plan together for the upcoming six weeks, a startup mission-driven client asked if there were...

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Events: How to master the art of the mission-driven plan

Summer is the perfect season to plan an event or fundraiser for your mission-driven organization. Who wouldn't want to spend time outdoors for a good...

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3 min read

Marketing with Color: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Last week I ran across a New York Times article detailing one marketing research company’s process to determine the ugliest color in the world. The...

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1 min read

Understanding the Creative Production Process

Every business or non-profit needs smooth orderly processes to be successful. Lean manufacturers make a science of refining every process. The big...

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2 min read

For the love of social media: How to optimize your photos

You’ve got the photo you want, so just post it – right? Not so fast!

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1 min read

Are You Marketing for Good Effectively?

It is easy to feel conflicted when you're marketing for good. Many nonprofits and public agencies feel the tension. On one hand, you know your...

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2 min read

9 Writing Tips to Help Readers

The changing media landscape and time spent on the web has turned us into consumers of bits and bytes of information. We often don't have time (or...

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2 min read

How to clean up your email list & engage your subscribers

Email marketing is a a great way to engage and to nurture your community and contacts. But you need to take care of a very important anchor that is...

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1 min read

Change Convos monthly top picks: 5 links we loved May 2016

With the trees in full leaf on the hillsides, lush and green are the signs of May in Vermont. Abundance is an apt term for the fodder published last...

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2 min read

How to Avoid 5 Common Image Mistakes on Your Website

"Use a picture. It's worth a thousand words."- Arthur Brisbane, newspaper editor Images are a must. They draw interest, convey emotion, and amplify...

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4 min read

Make a great impression at your next tradeshow

The last time you strolled through a tradeshow you probably made a mental note about those booths and displays that were really engaging and those...

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3 min read

5 Myths That Can Sabotage Your Next Video

Video seems to be everywhere these days, but not all of it is great quality. Look out for these five myths that can sabatoge your next video before...

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1 min read

Change Convos monthly top picks: 5 links we loved in April

April showers found us seeking a higher proportion of fresh, new and fun links than our usual mix of substantive fodder for serious thinkers and...

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3 min read

Why Every Tweet Matters For Your Brand Identity

The Change Conversations blog has covered how to make Twitter work for you in previous posts, but today I want to look in more detail at how each...

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2 min read

5 Tips to Foster Motivation in Your Organization

A study conducted by Harvard Business Review about inner work life and performance found people are more productive and creative when their work...

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3 min read

Powerful Image Selection for the Mission-Driven

When you are given a document to read or you are emailed a newsletter containing information to keep you up-to-date, what is going to keep you...

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2 min read

Change Convos monthly top picks: 5 links we loved in March

Spring has been doggedly stubborn about arriving this year. The rollercoaster weather finds us swapping winter coats for garden rakes within a...

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3 min read

How to request a website proposal for your nonprofit

You know nonprofit organizations need websites just as small businesses do, but you may be surprised to learn nonprofit sites can be more complex and...

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5 min read

Photo style guidelines: Seven tips for your public sector agency

You're considering an image for your upcoming campaign, but you have an uneasy feeling about its content, tone and style. Perhaps establishing...

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2 min read

How to build a social content library for a rainy day

We all can agree that social media marketing can sometimes seem like a beast that is always hungry. Sure it can be a lot of fun and it is always...

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3 min read

Why Your Content Strategy Desperately Needs Serendipity

It is every marketer or writer’s nightmare. After years of carefully planned and executed content strategy, your recipe for creating content is...

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2 min read

Change Convos monthly top picks: 5 links we loved in February

It’s just about sugaring season — the annual Vermont ritual when the sweet sap of Sugar Maples warms and runs out of the taps, a time for learning...

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1 min read

Video Storytelling: How to structure your testimonial

Video storytelling can be incorporated into your nonprofit's marketing strategy in many ways. Testimonial videos and case studies are based on the...

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3 min read

How to Use the Social Media Rule of Thirds

Maintaining a successful social media presence can be a daunting task — juggling your profiles on multiple platforms while keeping pace with the...

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2 min read

Change Convos monthly top picks: 5 links we loved in January

This is a little bit of a cheat because our five favorite posts for change makers and communicators were actually published over a six-week period...

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2 min read

Why inbound needs to be part of your marketing

Inbound marketing is no longer a new concept. Even marketers and other business leaders not currently practicing inbound or content marketing tend to...

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2 min read

How to Use Digital Storytelling for Change

Lately, I’ve been thinking about using digital storytelling for change and how we think about connecting and promoting behavior change using...

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3 min read

Brand management for nonprofits: An oxymoron?

Much about the way we work with nonprofits and mission-driven organizations has changed in the more than two decades I have been leading this firm....

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2 min read

5 Tips for Creating Perfect Nonprofit Promotion Packages

Fresh off the season for pretty packages, I thought I’d share some tips for creating nonprofit promotion packages that will help you build awareness...

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2 min read

Best of 2015: The Top 10 from the Change Convos blog

Our readers have spoken. These 10 blog posts were our most read and most shared blog posts of the past year. Here's what you thought was awesome in...

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7 min read

Your marketing photography: how to hire a professional

There will always be a place for snapshot-quality photos, typically in testimonials and/or social media where professional polish can work against...

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2 min read

National Nonprofits: localizing for marketing change

In an earlier post National Brands: how to engage and market locally in Vermont, I wrote about the importance of national brands understanding local...

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3 min read

5 Strategies for Nonprofits to Use Instagram More Effectively

The U.S. Census Bureau reported in June of 2015 that Millennials are now the largest generation, outnumbering even the Baby Boomers. Thanks to the...

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2 min read

Change Convos Monthly top picks: 5 links we loved in November

Let's give thanks for our five favorite posts for change makers and communicators from around the web in November. And read on to discover the top...

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2 min read

Keeping “the love” in your customer relationships

It doesn’t matter what type of business or sector you work in—nonprofit, for profit, consulting, B2B, B2C, government, you name it—maintaining a...

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2 min read

How Much Will It Cost? Start at the end.

Of course the short answer to your question about the cost of an important new creative project is “It depends.” But that’s not a particularly...

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4 min read

Marketing Musings from an American in Ireland

Recently my wife and I traveled to Ireland for our son's destination wedding. Here are a few observations made with my marketing, design and...

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2 min read

Change Convos Monthly top picks: 5 links we loved in October

Let's recap our five favorite posts for change makers and communicators from around the web in October. As if to keep up with the vibrant colors of...

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3 min read

5 Ways to Research Your Potential Customers

Everyone tells you that you need to research your potential customers, but no one tells you much about how to do it. Whether you are in a small...

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2 min read

Event planning 201: What’s happening before, during and after

In previous posts, we’ve shared the basics of event planning: how to make your event newsworthy and a top 10 list for every event. In this post,...

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1 min read

Quick Tips For SEO Writing

I've ben around long enough to remember when terms like "SEO" and "writing" didn't appear together in the same sentence. This is one of the hallmarks...

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2 min read

5 Best-in-Class Marketing Lessons for SMBs [New Data]

In today’s world of big data, actionable data remains rare — especially for the small and midsize businesses (SMBs) whose limited marketing resources...

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2 min read

Podcasts: Building community with sound

Lately, whenever I have free moment I’ve been listening to podcasts. Just like any other type of media content, digital audio segments can be funny,...

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1 min read

Change Convos monthly top picks: 5 links we loved in September

Fall in Vermont (or should I say autumn?) is chock full of delightful distractions, but that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on special treats....

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2 min read

#Inbound15 Takeaways: Content Marketing pro tips

Going to a Hubpot marketing conference for the first time can be be pretty exciting– the disco lights, the vibe, the 14,000 creative smart people all...

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2 min read

Inbound Marketing 101: Lead (Don’t Push) Your Prospects

I had the opportunity to take off my “marketing hat” this summer as I took a leave of absence from work. But in reality, we marketers never really...

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1 min read

Opportunities for Your Website Using Analytics: A Clear Path

In my last post, Seeing Opportunities for Your Website Using Analytics, I showed a few key reports from Google Analytics to see how traffic enters,...

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2 min read

Change Convos monthly top picks: 5 links we loved in August

Even in Vermont it can get sizzling hot as summer ends, but thankfully cooler evening temperatures return just as the annual...

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5 min read

In Marketing, Like Gardening: You Reap What You Sow

A few weeks ago I spent the day in our garden, playing catch-up. After 9 straight hours of weeding, clipping, digging, mounding and watering, I...

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4 min read

Are You a True Digital Marketer? (Oops, not yet?)

Yes, it may be time to raise your game as a digital marketer. Oh sure, you’ve probably developed some form of the trifecta of website, email list and...

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2 min read

B is for Business Blog: 5 tips for success

This week my kids went back to school and I started thinking about the importance of writing fundamentals in school and more specifically in business...

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3 min read

Social Intrapreneur: The Future of Business?

Vermonters have always taken the disruptive, “beat the band,” approach, or so we believe. The small, motivated, Green Mountain State prides itself on...

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4 min read

Top 10 Things to Remember for Event Planning

Planning an event can be a daunting effort. Any missteps can have critical repercussions for your mission and your brand down the line, so it is...

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5 min read

The Stress-Free Guide to Making Twitter Work for You

Is your business using Twitter? Maybe not, because you've heard tending to a business Twitter account takes lots of time or money. Finding links,...

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1 min read

SEO FAQs: So what is a canonical URL tag & what does it do?

Canonical. The fact that I had to look up how to pronounce it, rather than the definition, is a little comical, which is how it’s pronounced, (albeit...

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2 min read

Change Convos monthly top picks: 5 links we loved in July

Summer in Vermont is chock full of outdoor distractions, but that doesn’t mean you have to miss out. To help you catch up, here are our monthly top...

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4 min read

Instagram: Your Best Visual Marketing Tool?

It’s frustrating to be a small business advertiser or nonprofit advocate today, especially if yours is a visually driven world. The return on your...

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2 min read

How to Emotionally Engage with Your Community

Helping your community emotionally engage with you is a great indicator of marketing success. Building an emotional connection can take many forms....

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2 min read

The Five Worst Photography Mistakes

You need strong images for your marketing campaign and you've decided to use photography as the best way to evoke an emotional response, build your...

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2 min read

See Opportunities for Your Website Using Analytics

As marketers, we strive to drive traffic to your website where a wealth of information about your company, organization, products, or events is just...

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5 min read

15 Fascinating Podcasts You Don't Want To Miss

Last year may have been declared the “Golden Age of Podcasts”, in no small part due to the run away popularity of the weekly NPR podcast Serial but...

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1 min read

Change Convos Monthly Top Picks: 5 links we loved in June

It’s summertime in Vermont. Time for sunny days and warm weather. And time to catch up with friends over a great meal for lively conversation. Here...

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3 min read

National brands: How to engage and market locally in Vermont

For national brands and organizations, marketing locally and engaging a target community can be challenging without extensive preparation and...

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2 min read

How To Help Your Team Keep Up With Marketing Change

Trying to help your team keep up with the incredible rate of marketing change? And keep on top of your daily work, and keep your brain open to...

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1 min read

When you say it better with pictures: 3 examples

"A picture is worth a thousand words" has never been more relevant. Cave paintings thousands of years old got a simple message across, but now you...

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2 min read

How to Create Image Rollovers Easily with CSS3

Image rollovers have been around since the days of the Flying Toasters, but back then it took some moderate skill in JavaScript to get them to work....

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4 min read

Collaborating for Social Good? Try these 7 useful tools

Large-scale social change requires a lot of collaboration—with multiple nonprofits, values-led businesses, and public agencies. And the bigger and...

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1 min read

Change Convos monthly top picks: 5 links we loved in May

June is here and that means that summer will soon be officially in full swing! Summer means our indoor-outdoor time allotment shifts, but there’s...

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3 min read

10 Tips for Success: How to conquer a video interview

When you think of being on camera and getting the word out about your mission, you may think initially of public relations and participating in a...

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4 min read

Is Your Communication Bias-Free and Inclusive?

Think your communication is always bias-free? Think that you are equally respectful, inclusive and welcoming with a diverse range of people — those...

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3 min read

Website Security and Maintenance: What you need to know

If you fall behind on your website security and maintenance, you're all but asking to be hacked. (Most hacked sites are behind on publicly announced...

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Social Media: No Longer a Choice for Business - empty restaurant image

2 min read

Social Media: No longer a choice for your business

Over the course of my internship at Marketing Partners, I’ve learned about a variety of different topics and acquired some important real-world...

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Triple Bottom Line Venn diagram

2 min read

How to Grow Your Own Triple Bottom Line Marketers

“Skills can be taught; values cannot.” That old saying rings true, but growing your own skilled marketers takes lots of time, energy and money....

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3 min read

Visual Storytelling: How to complete your puzzle

The power of visual storytelling can be compelling and immediately engaging. In today’s marketing world, strong visuals are a necessary element in a...

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2 min read

How to Use Gamification for Social Change

"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare,...

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3 min read

How to Optimize Photos for Your Mobile-Friendly Site

Knowing how to optimize photos for your mobile-friendly site has never been more important. Accessing the Internet with mobile devices, such as smart...

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1 min read

It's time for mobile friendly! Is your website responsive?

If you’re wondering whether your website is mobile friendly, Google made a Mobile Friendly Website Testing Tool that you can use to find out. The...

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3 min read

How to Create Change for Good with SMART Goals

You’re not Alice. You couldn’t be more different. You want to create mission-driven change, to change minds, motivate action, build a movement....

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social media use by tweens and teens - image of smartphone in hands

3 min read

Social Media Use by Tweens and Teens

While we often write about social media in this blog and how businesses and organizations can use it strategically as part of an integrated marketing...

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Blurred image with text overlaid - Is Sponsored Content good for values-led business?

4 min read

Is Sponsored Content Good for Values-Led Business?

Are you thinking like I’m thinking that it is getting murky out there? My fog meter is registering an increase in befuddling language about sponsored...

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spreading farm manure: representing a Reluctant Marketer_flickr

1 min read

Reluctant Marketer: Why the triple bottom line norm?

It’s a scene I’ve lived over and over again. Deep into a positioning work session while I’m probing for what you believe distinguishes your triple...

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2 min read

Is There Gender Bias in Your Communication?

In my mind, words and language have always been important. (No surprise.) I delighted in the increased attention to inclusive language in...

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Sign of Hope for Social Marketing

2 min read

Social Marketing: Hope for the Future?

This may not be going where you think it is. That is, it’s not going there if you’re thinking I’m referring to social media marketing or so-called...

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Image of a closeup of handwriting with the word

2 min read

Inbound marketing and more: Marketing-speak defined

Inbound marketing could be considered part of the new marketing-speak. We’ve written before about the importance of keeping your communications...

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Image of a mamma duck followed by a flock of ducklings

2 min read

Social Norms: Harnessing Positive Peer Pressure for Change

At Marketing Partners, we’ve worked on dozens of social awareness and behavior change campaigns. (Secretly, they are my favorite kind of campaign!)...

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