About Us
Who We Serve
Providing exceptional strategy, design, and integrated marketing communication services to mission-driven organizations and government programs for
more than 30 years.
A selection of our featured clients is available lower on this page.
Mission-Driven Businesses
Whatever term you prefer — mission-driven, purpose-led, socially responsible, people-planet-prosperity, triple bottom line business, or social enterprise — you share our commitment to change for more than profit and strive to incorporate a social mission in your strategy and operations.

As a nonprofit, foundation or association (national, regional or state) you are working to benefit and bring change for good to public health, the environment, education, social justice, children, youth and families, and other complex social issues.

Public Sector
Marketing Partners, Inc. is honored to have served numerous national, regional and state governmental agencies. Nationally we are a recognized woman-owned small business, and in Vermont, the firm is registered with the State of Vermont Chief Marketing Office and with the Vermont Department of Information and Innovation.

Featured Clients
At Marketing Partners, our mission is to unlock the power of communication to drive change for good. After several decades, we are proud to have helped many mission-driven clients make their goals for change into a reality. Here’s a selection of our client partners, representing the sectors (nonprofit, membership association, government, and mission-driven business) and focus areas (health, education, energy & environment, community development) where we have developed special expertise over the years. [Click the labeled tabs to explore.]