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It's time for mobile friendly! Is your website responsive?



If you’re wondering whether your website is mobile friendly, Google made a Mobile Friendly Website Testing Tool that you can use to find out. The tool will list the problems the website has, and suggest corrective measures you can take to pass the test. It’s pass or fail.

Everyone needs a mobile friendly responsive design

The importance of having a mobile friendly website is about to skyrocket.  Later this month, Google will be making a change to their algorithm that will affect websites that are not “mobile friendly”. 

How much mobile traffic has your site received?

Google’s mobile update change will only affect mobile search results, so before you panic, be sure you know how much traffic you get from mobile search. If you are using Google Analytics, here’s where to look:

  1. Acquisition >> All Traffic >> Source/Medium: google/organic.

  2. Choose ‘Mobile (including tablet)’ for your Second Dimension

How much your mobile traffic has been increasing over time? Compare the last three months with the three months before that and see if the mobile share of your traffic is growing. Do this two or three more times moving back three months at a time and you will probably see that your mobile traffic is growing at about 5% - 10% every three months. If it’s growing faster than that, you should move quickly and get yourself a new website within weeks, not months. If it’s growing slower than that, I would still get it done before Thanksgiving.

Is your responsive website ready?

If your website is over three years old, there’s a good chance it needs to be updated in order to avoid the coming penalties on mobile search. Take the test. If you fail and you budget your website plans months in advance, you should begin to include a responsive website re-design in your near future. If your website is already mobile friendly, relax and take the rest of the day off.

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