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Pat Heffernan

Pat Heffernan — marketing strategist, writer, and founder of Marketing Partners in Burlington, Vermont — writes about strategy, words, and communication to create change.


Targeting “Millennials” means targeting no-one

"If I were to tell you that marketers were using astrological signs as a way to understand/target specific groups of people, you’d tell me that’s a...

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Growth in U.S. Working-Age Population Driven by Immigration

Amidst all the talk about the declining population of younger working-age people in Vermont and much of the Northeast, this research finding from the...

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Advertising run amok...

Say it isn't so. We often work with public sector government agencies, so we are acutely aware of the financial and political pressures they...

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Wind Turbines Samso Rasmus Ole Rasmussen

Ethical Investing (and Shopping) Made Easy?

I've watched with excitement the trend to make it easier for ordinary investors to identify sustainable, carbon-free, ethical or socially responsible...

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1 min read

An Event Done Well: #StateOfWomen

The White House hosted the United State of Women Summit on June 14, inspiring those participating both in real life and virtually. #StateOfWomen is a...

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4 min read

Ouch! Women Are Being Recognized Again

March marks Women’s History Month again, but I am not celebrating. Stories and images of courageous women of the past are everywhere. These women...

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4 min read

10 Policy Solutions for Women and Minority-Owned Businesses

Ready to go... Ten policy solutions to close the funding and opportunities gaps for women and minority-owned businesses are being presented at the...

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Values in Action: Sustainable Local Food in Vermont

It's likely that your eyes glaze over as quickly as mine do when you hear lofty sustainable local food system goals and "walking the talk" rhetoric...

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