Marketing Glossary - D


Demographics are population statistics and socioeconomic factors such as age, income, sex, occupation, education, family size, and the like. Advertisers often define their Target Market in terms of demographics; thus, demographics are one important aspect of media planning to match the media with the market. (Psychographics, or the attitudes, interests, and other behavioral characteristics of an audience is the other key aspect of media planning.)

Digital Marketing

Any marketing that is created for use on electronic devices (smartphones, PCs, tablets, game consoles, etc.). Your company’s social media networks, your website, an online newsletter, a company app can all be components of a digital marketing strategy.

Display Advertising

Print advertising that is located throughout a publication and that uses size, color, illustrations, photographs, and various decorations and typography to attract the reader’s attention. Display advertising is found among the editorial sections of a publication and is not grouped according to classification (as classified advertisements are). It further differs from Classified Advertising in that it uses illustrations and varying type sizes and bases its rate structure on Column Inches, or fractions of a page.